Lessons Learned

We Can All Learn Something from Tragedy – Even If We Weren’t Directly Involved

As the Memorial and Museum were being planned, it was important to create a site where individuals could come to remember those who were killed, understand the impact of terrorism and violence and leave with hope and determination to make this world a better place.

Throughout the Memorial Museum, visitors experience the direct impact of the Oklahoma City bombing. At the end of their experience, visitors can participate in the Responsibility Theater, where they are asked challenging questions about hypothetical scenarios. After each scenario, a real-world story from the bombing and its aftermath is shown and visitors are asked if it changed their attitude or position, inspiring them to take greater responsibility in their lives.

In addition to tours of the Outdoor Symbolic Memorial and the Memorial Museum, the education team has developed many resources and programs to teach about respect, resilience, responsibility and more. Field trips, the Uncover-Discover STEM Labcurriculum and other educational resources are available to assist educators in teaching about the Oklahoma City bombing. To learn more please visit the Education section of our website.

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