Lessons Learned

9:03 AM on April 19, 1995, marked the start of a new normal for Oklahoma City and the world at large. More importantly, it marked the beginning of healing from a horrendous act of domestic terrorism. It became evident that an enduring, meaningful memorial needed to be created, but many questions needed to be answered.

How do you memorialize something like this? How do you move from the desire for something to exist to making it real? How can we prevent something like this from happening again – somewhere else? And how can we best teach the next generations the lessons we learned here?

Cultural Memory
All voices deserve to be heard and remembered.
Community Healing
The healing process is never fully complete.
When we work together, we can overcome any adversity.
Create & Build
Evil may get its moment, but together we get to define every moment that comes after.
We can all learn something from tragedy – even if we weren’t directly involved.

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