He lived life more fully and passionately than some do in a lifetime.

He had spent nearly half of his 43 years in government service work. Employed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Paul Broxterman was working as a criminal investigator through the inspector general’s office when the April 19 bombing occurred. Broxterman served in the Navy from 1971 to 1977 and spent part of that time in Vietnam as a radio man on the USS Enterprise. He later worked as a tax examiner for the Internal Revenue Service, as a criminal investigator for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Broxterman was a member of the Potawatomi Tribe and was active in American Indian activities. He is survived by his wife, Cammy; sons Aaron and Jerod; and daughter Cassandra.

Field of Empty Chairs

Paul Gregory Beatty Broxterman
Paul Gregory Beatty Broxterman
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
5th Floor
Department of Housing and Urban Development

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