Merrick Garland

Today the President announced that Merrick Garland will be his nomination to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1995, Merrick Garland was Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General.  Attorney General Janet Reno sent him to Oklahoma City and he served as the federal prosecutor for Timothy McVeigh’s initial hearing at Tinker Air Force Base.
In 2015, the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Garland was awarded the Reflections of Hope Award along with his fellow prosecutors, defense team and judges who brought justice to Oklahoma City.

“We are so proud that Judge Garland, who kept the family members and survivors front and center during his work in Oklahoma City has been nominated. He is a fair man who deserves a fair process,” says Executive Director Kari Watkins.

Find more videos and information on Garland in the Memorial Museum’s Investigation & Justice exhibit.

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