Memorial Welcomes New Partners in JRB

Late Thursday, a group of investors completed the purchase of the commercial unit of the Journal Record Building from the OKC Industrial & Cultural Facilities Trust. This will allow JRB Holdings to continue with its plans to redevelop approximately 100,000 square feet of this historic structure. In order to save this building in 1995 following the bombing, it was divided into a two-unit condominium – the Memorial Museum unit and then a commercial unit which has been for sale since 2003.
“We are pleased to welcome Heritage Wealth Management Company and the other investors  in what has become a two decade process of redevelopment of a critical area torn apart by the bombing. This sale is one key piece of the redevelopment of the area between the downtown business district and mid-town. We are thrilled to have neighbors in the east half of our building and we look forward to working with all the partners as we continue to manage a world-class Memorial and Museum and now a commercial unit on this historic site,” said Kari Watkins, Executive Director. “The investors know and appreciate the significance of this site and know the standard in which the Memorial and Museum are maintained. We look forward to having the rest of this magnificent building occupied. It has been a long time coming, and another step of progress made during our 20th Anniversary year. The sale will not have any impact on our operations.”
The Memorial and Museum have recently completed a $10 million enhancement project as part of the 20th Anniversary and is open 7 days a week. The Memorial and Museum have been named the top attraction in Oklahoma by, and among the top 25 museums in the nation.

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