NCTSN Resources: School Shooting

While we still don’t know all the details, we understand all too well what the people of Uvalde, Texas, are going through. We believe as strongly as ever – it is time for change. We have to find a way to make changes as school shootings are becoming too normalized. The Memorial’s mission of teaching the senselessness of violence has never been more important – what can we do together to make a change?

Dr. Robin Gurwitch, renowned child psychologist who helped with families in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing was gracious enough to share resources for communities. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) which Robin is a part of has provided the resources below to help children, families, educators and communities navigate what they are seeing and hearing in order to work through tragedy together.


Disaster Helpline
SAMHSA has a Disaster Distress Helpline – call or text 1-800-985-5990 (for Spanish, press “2”) to be connected to a trained counselor 24/7/365.

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